Last weekend marked the 38th anniversary of Roe v. Wade, the court decision that legalized abortion. This event is memorialized each year with The March for Life, a peaceful protest calling for the repeal of this disastrous decision. On Monday I had the opportunity to attend the Rally and March with my daughter, son-in-law and his brother, two granddaughters and two grandsons.
My 11 yr old granddaughter and I left NJ on Sunday afternoon and spent the night with my daughter and her family (husband and 3 children aged 7 months, 2 ½ and 5 years) in PA. The next morning we took off for DC around 5am to meet up with my son-in-law’s brother, a Franciscan friar. After attending Mass and enjoying the hospitality of the priests and brothers at the Friary we took off for the Rally. We walked to the Metro, took two trains (while wheeling 2 strollers) and finally arrived as the events were starting. We acquired our signs and moved in to hear the speakers. The expected hour and a half of speeches lasted almost 4 hours in below freezing weather. About 3 hours into it we went into the Art Museum to thaw out the kids who by now were reaching the Popsicle stage.
As we made our way down the street, I heard one surrounding group praying the Rosary, another, the Chaplet of Divine Mercy. Other groups were drumming and singing hymns and songs of praise and worship while others were making up pro-life chants. Some were quiet, probably engaging in personal prayer. I found myself saying a Hail Mary with this group, a little of the Chaplet with another group, singing a familiar hymn or song and yes even jumping in on the chants and dancing to the drums. But most of all I watched my family as we marched together for a common cause, respect for life, all life. I thank God everyday for the wonderful family that He’s given me, a family willing to brave the freezing temperatures for a cause that they believe in.
When the March ended, we made our way back to the Metro. Two trains and short walk later we were back to the Friary where we had left the car. It was now rush hour in DC and we were all tired. The Friars, who had made extra food since they had guests staying with them, invited us to come in, refresh ourselves and share their meal. Eventually we made our way back to my daughter’s in Harrisburg. My granddaughter and I switched to my car and drove back to NJ. It was a long cold day but I’ll remember and hope that my grandchildren will as well.
I would like to express my thanks to the priests and brothers at the St. Louis Friary in DC. Your hospitality was incredibly generous and welcoming. God Bless!